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Introducing our Carnations Elegance Bouquet (8  stalks of Fresh pink carnations):

A delightful fusion of beauty and functionality for Mums to spoil her!

Carnations Elegance

  • Fresh Blooms

    Put flowers in the vase with clean water. Change water & trim stems 2cm at an angel everyday. Remove all leaves that sit below the water line. Keep flowers in a cool place, away from heat and direct sunlight.

    Remove any dead flowers/leaves, this will help to prolong the life of the remaining flowers

  • All products are subject to availability. In the event of any supply difficulties, i.e. wrappers/fillers that are needed to make your order do not meet our high quality standards, we reserve the right, at our absolute discretion to substitute any product with an alternate product of a similar style and equivalent (or greater) value and quality.

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